Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Kundera spends considerable energy to define, describe, and investigate the role of kitsch in communist society. "Kitsch" is a German word that loosely means inferior, sentimental, and/or vulgar art. Although kitsch claims to have an aesthetic purpose, it tends to simplify complicated ideas and thoughts into stereotypical and easily marketable forms. Kitsch appeals to the masses and to the lowest common denominator. It is the world of greeting-card poetry and velvet Elvis. For kitsch to be kitsch, it must be able to evoke an emotional response that according to the book "the multitudes can share."
Kitsch then is essential for the emotional and intellectual control of a populace in a totalitarian culture. In a system that requires all people to feel the same way about a particular event or state of being, kitsch works its magic. As Kundera writes, "Those of us who live in a society where various political tendencies exist side by side and competing influences cancel or limit one another can manage more or less to escape the kitsch inquisition: the individual can preserve his individuality; the artists can create unusual works. But whenever a single political movement corners power, we find ourselves in the realm of totalitarian kitsch.” Kitsch, according to Kundera, is devoid of irony, since "in the realm of kitsch everything must be taken quite seriously."
Understanding kitsch brings the reader to an understanding of Sabina: it is not communism that repels her; it is communist kitsch such as the May Day parades and the art of social realism. And those who criticize kitsch, or for that matter call it kitsch, must be banned for life because it is the expression of individualism that poses the greatest threat to the totalitarian regime. Kundera concludes, "In this light, we can regard the gulag as a septic tank used by totalitarian kitsch to dispose of its refuse."
Monday, 24 September 2007
1 To begin analysing and interpreting the happenings in section 6.
1 How and why does Kundera believe Stalin's son, Yakov dies?
2 What do we learn about Yakov`s relationship with the lightness of being?
3 Why does Kundera praise Yakov Stalin's death?
4 What do we learn about shit in relation to religion?
6 What is Kitsch and how does this embody the life of Sabina?
7 Who or what is Sabina's lifelong enemy?
8 Why does Sabina think she is unable to survive emotionally for more than a few days?
9 Why does Sabina hides the fact she is Czech?
10 Who does Sabina live with and why?
11 Where is Franz living?
12 What makes Franz decide to visit Cambodia?
13 Describe each of the categories of men that Kundera discusses.
14 What category does Franz belong to? Why? Who else also belongs to this category?
15 What category do Tomas and Tereza belong to? Why?
16 How do Tomas and Tereza die?
17 We are at this point introduced to Simon. What do we learn about Simon? Who does he begin sending letters to? Why?
18 What happens to Franz in Cambodia?
19 Who does Franz belong to when he dies? Why?
20 The words "A return after long wanderings" written on Franz`s tombstone. Why do you think this is?
21 Simon scribes "He wanted the kingdom of God on earth" written on Tomas's grave. Why do you think this is?
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Clase Pepas y Cass tercera parte...EL REGRESO DEL JEDI.
How does the concept of lightness and weight change throughout the book.
How does Kundera represent changes of loghtness and weight through his novel.
Let's write and essay that fits the I.B. criteria for A1 english...YEAH!
Theme, Rhythm, Tone, Atmosphere, Rhetoric Imagery, Language and the effects it makes.
100 1011010 1110 01 0011 1100100101011 1001 0001001 0011101 01!!
Theme (Pg-13),Narrator (Fairy tales Omnipresents and omnipotents), Structure and Form (ternary, ritonello), Ideas and messages (in a bottle), Tone and atmosphere (stratosphere, ionosphere), Rhetorical Images (and words), Rhyme rhythm and sound FX (dog barking), Vocabulary, Conclusion (summarise and bring question back "2 THE FUTURE!")
Selection of the aspectsand it's treatment.
Knowledge and Understanding
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Food, genes, ages, mind, excercise, beauty, health, surgical alterations, temperature, HEAVY METAL, environment, culture, the soul, feelings, religion, social pressure, social standards, sexuality, the media, alcohol, fashion, voice, music, ideals.
Things that affect the Soul
Family, art, health, sexuality, love, music, conciousness, environment, your needs as an individual, energy, karma, social pressure, past experiences, ideologies, spirituality, culture, disasters, war, relationships breaking up, famine, your body, other people, friendships, love.
She looks back to her mother and her body isnt anything. Its just a shell, nothing more. She examines herself because she sees another woman inside her. She wishes not to have those imperfections, however she begins to explore her body and Thomas helps her out in this task. She wants to view her body as Thomas does with his own. The sex that Thomas and Teresa have is not just sex it is also love. But with other people sex is just sex and there is no feeling of love whatsoever. Viewing the body as he does will bring them closer together.
Teresas Soul
She becomes influenced by the political influence of the war, the soviet war. The soviet invasion has a great impact on her soul as her way of life. Her mother affects her soul as well, the relationship, the hatred of her mother for her has made her negative and has affected the view of the world that Teresa has, as well as clouding her vision. Tomas affects her very much because she only wants to have him close but Tomas is not always around.
Her aspiritions affect her soul as well. When she begins to study photography she starts to discover the beauty in art. She motivates herself to have a cultural background, going to concerts and reading with the end of getting away of her past and especially from her mother because her inability to understand that she is her daughter.
His ideologies in love, sex and relationships.Tomas has forced his ideologies on her, she is at the moment a biproduct of the situation. Tomas makes her feel like unwanted and jealous. This does not create a positive effect on her mind. She is affected by her needs, the need of being with Tomas, the need of staying away from her mother and the need to understand the political situation and the beauty as well as the horrors that this war has caused to her land.
She sees the body as a shell that is
Tomas sees the body as a tool that complements his soul.
Here too perhaps is his passion for surgery and his passion for women coming together. Even with his mistress he could never quite put down the imaginary scalpel since he longed to take possession something deep inside, he needed to slit them open. (page 193)
Tomas draws reference to his role as a surgeon, making corelations between love making and surgery. The difference between being a surgeon and having sex is that by having sex, he does not need to use his imaginary scalpel. Also, it is a way of getting to know the human `I`. What makes a person an individual.
´He experienced a brief but intense feeling of blasphemy, then again, that was what attracted him to it! That was the "ess muss sein!" rooted deep inside him and it was planted there not by chance, not by the sciatica nor by anything external´ pg 187
´He had no desire to uncover anything in Tereza, she had come to him uncovered. He had made love to her before he could grap for the imaginary scalpel he used to open the prostate body of the world. Before he could start wonering what she would be like when they made love, he loved her´2003
Tomas`s Soul
Tomas deals with situations by being `light` and therefore spends little time thinking about `heavy` such as his soul.
Monday, 17 September 2007
2 Why does Tomas lose his job?
3 Why do the police want to humiliate Tomas?
4 Tomas describes surgery as `Ess muss sein` or It must be! What do you think this means? Why does he give this up? How is this reference to Beethoven related to other aspects of the novel?
5 Explain how Tomas rejects heaviness.
6 How many woman has Tomas slept with?
7 How does he view these women? Whay does he compare these women to?
8 Describe some of the woman that he meets. Discuss what he thinks of them.
9 What part of his memory does Tereza ocupy?
10 What two men admire Tomas and why?
11 What events had caused him to become estranged from Tereza?
12 What does Tereza suggests they do?
13 Why does Tomas not want to upset Tereza?
14 Tomas decides to leave any happiness behind for Tereza. Why?
Friday, 14 September 2007
Clase Pepas y Cass...segunda parte
- His definition is very different than Tereza's.
- Living his life like it will come (like and actor going cold ESTEBAN 2007)
- Gets what he wants when he wants it.
- He doesn't overwhlem himself.
- Tereza is his gravity and keeps him down on earth (He's a floating feather)
- Very literal.
- His soul and his body are one becuase he doesn't see the duality between them.
- Tereza is Tomas' taste of reality.
- Tomas is always moving from Tereza's world form his own world (which is musch more simple and light)
- Tomas doesn't hold on to anything.
- He's going back to Nietzche's theories (eternal return, memory being a instrument to put weight on things)
What is Tomas' unbearable lightness of being?
- He realizes his being is unberable to Tereza therefore it's unbearable for him.
- It's not directly unbearable for him.
- Does Tomas' realize how his concept of lightness affect's Tereza AND Tomas?
- How does Tomas' lightness contrast with Tereza's weight?
- How is the relationship between Tomas and Tereza affected by lightness and weight?
- What is the 'Unbearable Lightness of Being' for Tomas and Tereza?
- To what extent is Tomas' "lightness of beign" unbearable?
- How does Kundera present ideologies of eternal return through his novel `The Unbearable Lightness of Being`?
- To what extent is the "Unbearable Lightness of Beign" a product of Nietzche's theories?
Tomas is completely LIGHTNESS while Tereza is completely a WEIGHT
They can sometimes be considered like complimentary...although maybe they do not know it when they are together.
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Clase Pepas y Cass
- She does not have a light aspect in her life.
- She wants to see lightness as Tomas does.
- She could be lightness if she was perfect for tomas.
- Her body is the weight for her soul but on the other hand, her body is just a case...nothing
- The veiws on her body being separated from the soul are light, but she makes it heavy.
- Tereza's knowledge of life comes from her experiences and relationships (e.g. her mother and Tereza's opinion about her body) EMPIRICAL KNOWLEDGE Valeria 2007.
- Her lightness is her innocence
- Tomas's views of life and how she can't see it like that.
- The way Tomas lives his life and feels about her.
- Forced lightness becomes weight!!! ESTEBAN 2007
- Her lightness is her innocence...therefore it becomes weight because she does not know anything.
What is Tereza's unbearable lightness of being?
Lightness for Tereza is being able to. Love making is lightness whilst love is weight.
Tomas is the lightness of the relationship and tereza is weight because she's very attached to her emotions. Tomas on the other hand doesn't take love as serious. Weight is when you actually care and realize waht you are doing, but changes withe the perception of each character.
Tereza sees her body as a cage. This opinion about her body comes from her mother's opinion. Having sex with other people is very difficult to tereza becuase she doesn't see the duality between soul and body..or does she?...Tereza doesn't have a sense of lightness. She wants to be unique and prove her mother wrong (i.e. the book makes her stand out) also this is the way she knew tomas for the first time. Lightness for her is being the perfect person for tomas, her body and her soul to be the only things for tomas to love. She could be lighter is tomas could be satisfied by her and therefore he wouldn't be having afairs. Tereza's wish is for tomas to be more emotionally attached to her. Her soul is lightness but her body is a weight, she hasn't found another person for her soul to be light (also contrasts with her body as being a cage) The weight for her soul is her body. She wants her boy to show how her soul is, she blames her mother about her opinion about her body, therefore she does not accept her body. (e.g. The dream about the pool and the women getting shot). She thinks her soul is being restaint by her body therefore she can't open completely to Tomas. After she has sex with another man, she realizes she likes her body. Towards the end of the second "soul and body" she finds that body and soul are two different things therefore becomes more light.
Valeria es un genio.
Essay questions part 2:
1 How does the soul and body Affect Tereza`s perceptions of `The Unbearable Lightness of Being`?
2 What does the Unbearable Lightness of Being mean to Tomas and Tereza?
- Everything in Tereza's life can be related to weight.
- She takes everything very seriously, she is overwhelmed.
- She never learned that there are certain things in life which are not as important as others. This makes her hang on to everything, making her carry their weight with her.
- The only contrast with the weight she has created for herself is the lightness of her soul.
- Her soul becomes "weight" because it is anchored to her body. It can't explore the lightness it is meant to represent.
- "Forced lightness becomes weight" (Esteban 2007) She thinks too much on achieving "lightness" that her thoughts actually become "weight". She can't 'go with the flow'.
- Tereza wants to find "lightness" by following Tomas' way of life. She doesn't realise that following Tomas and not finding her own form of "lightness", Tomas has become a 'weight' for her soul.
- How does weight affect Tereza's goal of being "light"?
- To what extent does the relationship with Tomas affect Tereza's idea of "lightness and weight"?
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Soul and Body
Section Four
1. What did Tereza smell on Tomas when she returned home?
“…the aroma coming of a woman’s sex organs.”
1, pg. 127
2. List some of the things that were currently happening politically during the period of time.
· Russian invasion
3. Why did Tereza want to eat breakfast with Tomas?
Because she wanted to spend time with him, she wanted to talk.
“…the only time they could actually talk together was on Sundays.”
3, pg. 130
4. Describe some of Tereza’s observations of the body.
That the body existed to reflect the soul.
“…harbored the blissful hope of using her body as a poster for her soul.”
5, pg. 133
She thought that her body was not monstrous, that she had small breasts but she disliked her nipples.
“No, there was nothing monstrous…pornography for the poor.”
6, pg. 134
It was alien to her, she felt disgusted by it, that it failed to be the only body in Tomas’ life.
“Tereza stood bewitched before…disappointed and deceived her.”
6, pg. 135
5. Describe the connections she makes between the soul and the body.
That they are separated: if the body changed the soul would stay the same questioning what was happening.
“Even if Tereza were completely…happening to her body.”
6, pg. 134
6. When Tereza looks at her body, what does she see?
It was alien to her, she felt disgusted by it, that it failed to be the only body in Tomas’ life.
“Tereza stood bewitched before…disappointed and deceived her.”
6, pg. 135
7. Why does Tereza work behind a hotel bar?
Because she was fired from her magazine job for photographing Russian tanks.
“When they fired Tereza from…photographing Russian tanks.”
7, pg. 135-136
8. Tereza suddenly learns that the Russians have taken her photographs – how does she react?
She thought at how naïve she had been
9. Tereza begins flirting with men at the bar. How do her ideologies about the body, love and lovemaking begin to change?
10. In a dream sequence, Tereza asks Tomas to help her. What else happens in this dream and what does she believe this dream is telling her?
11. In a dream sequence, Tereza decides to visit the engineer. She goes to his room and the two interact awkwardly. She sees Oedipus on his book shelf. Who does she think this book represents?
12. Tereza spits in the face of the man she has sex with. Why do you think she does this?
13. She notices a crow. What could it represent?
Monday, 10 September 2007
Food, genes, ages, mind, excercise, beauty, health, surgical alterations, temperature, HEAVY METAL, environment, culture, the soul, feelings, religion, social pressure, social standards, sexuality, the media, alcohol, fashion, voice, music, ideals.
Things that affect the Soul
Family, art, health, sexuality, love, music, conciousness, environment, your needs as an individual, energy, karma, social pressure, past experiences, ideologies, spirituality, culture, disasters, war, relationships breaking up, famine, your body, other people, friendships, love.
She looks back to her mother and her body isnt anything. Its just a shell, nothing more. She examines herself because she sees another woman inside her. She wishes not to have those imperfections, however she begins to explore her body and Thomas helps her out in this task. She wants to view her body as Thomas does with his own. The sex that Thomas and Teresa have is not just sex it is also love. But with other people sex is just sex and there is no feeling of love whatsoever. Viewing the body as he does will bring them closer together.
Teresas Soul
She becomes influenced by the political influence of the war, the soviet war. The soviet invasion has a great impact on her soul as her way of life. Her mother affects her soul as well, the relationship, the hatred of her mother for her has made her negative and has affected the view of the world that Teresa has, as well as clouding her vision. Tomas affects her very much because she only wants to have him close but Tomas is not always around.
Her aspiritions affect her soul as well. When she begins to study photography she starts to discover the beauty in art. She motivates herself to have a cultural background, going to concerts and reading with the end of getting away of her past and especially from her mother because her inability to understand that she is her daughter.
His ideologies in love, sex and relationships.Tomas has forced his ideologies on her, she is at the moment a biproduct of the situation. Tomas makes her feel like unwanted and jealous. This does not create a positive effect on her mind. She is affected by her needs, the need of being with Tomas, the need of staying away from her mother and the need to understand the political situation and the beauty as well as the horrors that this war has caused to her land.
1 What did Tereza smell on Tomas when she came home?
2 List some of the things that were currently happening politically during this period of time.
3 Why did Tereza want to eat breakfast with Tomas?
4 Describe some of the Tereza's observations of the body.
5 Describe the connections she makes between the soul and the body.
6 When Tereza looked at her body, what did she see?
7 Why does Tereza work behind a hotel bar?
8 Tereza suddenly understands that the Russian police have been using the photographs she and other photojournalists took during the invasion.
9 Tereza begins flirting with men at the bar. Even this she cannot do lightly; she flirts heavily, seeming to promise too much too earnestly. How do her ideologies about the body, love and lovemaking begin to change?
10 In a dream sequence, Tereza asks Tomas to help her. He directs her to Petrin Hill, where a man with a rifle helps three suicidal people kill themselves, then turns to her. She tells him no, and that it wasn't her choice, and leaves the hill. What does she believe this dream is telling her?
11 The dream makes Tereza decide to go visit the engineer. She goes to his room and the two interact awkwardly; they often lapse into uncomfortable silence. Sophocles' Oedipus is among the shelved books. Who does Tereza think these books represent?
12 The stranger undresses her and the two have sex; at the point of orgasm Tereza spits in his face. Why do you think she spits in his face?
13 On her way home Tereza notices a crow. Earlier she saw some children trying to bury it alive. She takes the bird home to save it, but cannot; she watches it die.
What do you think this imagery related to death may suggest?
14 Tereza and Tomas drive through Prague. The city has changed, and grown ugly. Russian words replace the original and traditional names. Describe Tereza`s next dream sequence. What does she want to happen to her? Why do you think she feels this?
Friday, 7 September 2007
Two written papers-
Paper 1 = Commentary - 2 hours - 25%
Written Commentary is pased on poetry or another text to which the technique of literacy criticism can be applied.
TWO unseen texts will be used.
25% of the final grade.
Paper 2 = Essay - 2 hours - 25%
Two essay questions on each genre available for study in part 3 - tragic plays.
Texts analysed will be
Death of a Salesman
A Streetcar named Desire
Romeo and Juliet
Blood Wedding
Two assignments will be written between the word count of 1000 and 1500 words.
Assignment 1 - 10%
Comparative study of at least TWO Part 1 works.
A Doll's House and Like Water for Chocolate.
Assignment 2 - 10%
The Unbearable Lightness of Being.
Imaginitive or Creative Assignment
1 WL work - or 1 WL and 1 Language A1 work.
2 Detailed Study WL
Internal Assessment
Oral Component - 30%
TWO compulsory oral activities to be internally assessed by the teacher and expternally moderated by the IBO.
Individual Oral Commentary = 15 minutes - 15%
Commentary on an extract, chosen by the teacher, from one of the Part 2 works studied.
The Color Purple and 1984
Individual Oral Presentation = 10 - 15 minutes - 15%
Presentation of topic, chosen by the candidate, based on part 4 works.
The Outsider and A Bloody Chamber
1 Divide your page into half.
2 On one side write down what Sabina understands of the word and on the other half what Franz understands of the word.
3 Add a quote
4 Explain why they think this.
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Just relax and take it easy in IB so we can do great quality work.Yeaah! this video is a great motivation and I want to share it the rest of the class because I admire greatly everybody in Year 13, the work they've posted is such great quality! KEEP IT UP!!
Quiz 3 Daniela
Franz is a married man, Sabina is his mistress. “Only as a friend never as a lover”. He felt unsure of himself with her. “He was a good looking man he was at the peak of his scholarly career; he was even feared by his colleagues for the arrogance and tenacity he displayed during professional meetings and colloquia”.
2 Where does Franz want to take Sabrina?
He wants to take her to Palermo “How can you live without seeing Palermo?”
3 What does Sabrina place on her head?
She places an old black bowler hat “She bent over, picked up the hat and put it on her head”.
4 Describe the first time she wears the lat. Who was she with?
It was with Franz, she took of her skirt and took Franz by the hand and make him lean on the wall while she was on the mirror, she stared on the mirror “…same long questioning stare, training it first on herself then on him.” Then she took the bowler hat and “suddenly it was a woman in her undergarments, a beautiful, distant, indifferent woman with a terribly out-of-place bowler hat on her head”.
5 What does the hat represent?
The hat represents in a way the switching of roles of men and woman “ a terribly out-of-place hat on her head, holding the hand of a man in a grey suite”. In a way it represents her rebellion also and her erotic manner of being with Franz which is her lover.
6 Who did the hat originally belong to?
It belonged to her grandfather.
7 What does the hat symbolize?
Her exoticness and rebellion.
8 Describe the misunderstood words that Franz and Sabrina share.
Franz relates a woman to his mother and also considers Sabina a woman, in the way of his mistress. Sabina considers herself as just “Sabina”, doesn’t take much concern on her sexual gender since she believes that her gender doesn’t define her.
Franz represents betrayal in this part, since he betrays his wife with Sabrina but at the same time doesn’t like the feeling of being in an other woman’s bed since he believes “ going from the bed of one women to the bed of another in the space of several hours” would humiliate both. Sabina, on the other hand, her life is all to do with betrayals.
Sabina doesn’t like music she finds it as just noise, while Franz finds music the best there is but can’t distinct from rock to classical.
Sabina in a way relates lightness with life, so as an artist she associates seeing with life. In a way they are both very different just like lightness and darkness; Franz studies and he’s connected to real people and a more realistic life, while Sabina is an artist and individualist .
They both find New ork beautiful, although for Franz it makes him homesick while Sabina loves the accidental quality of New York's beauty; it reminds her of her paintings.
Sabina is from Chezcklovokia , Sabina doesn’t like her country while Franz admires it since it shows repressions and revolutions.
For Franz cemeteries are nasty places, "ugly dump of stones and bones." While for Sabina the only places in her country that are worthwhile being at are cementaries since they are peaceful.
Quiz 3 Marithe Malagon
Franz is the married lover of Sabina. One who worships fidelity and loves music, pretty much opposite of Sabina.
2 Where does Franz want to take Sabina?
He wants to take Sabina to Palermo for ten days but this makes Sabina a bit sad since “He had grown so accustomed to linking their love life to foreign travel”. She had a discussion with Franz about which place was better Geneva; her home town, or Palermo and she related it with her studio which “always has new and different pictures” rather than the “same hotels and cars”.
3 What does Sabina place on her head?
Sabina places her grandfather hat on her head. When she does this to Sabina it signified something in her past, something important to her but Franz took the hat off shortly “as though he were erasing the moustache a naughty child had drawn on a picture of the Virgin Mary.” This act highlights the theme of this section of the book, where Milan Kundera describes to us how it is that each character interprets a symbol or word in a totally different form.
4 Describe the first time she wears the lat. Who was she with?
It happened one night after they had slept together, Sabina had an “interrogative” look and got hold of the hat and as she was doing this Franz approached her way toward the mirror. When they were both there in front of the mirror she observed the image reflected on it and saw, “a woman in her undergarments, a beautiful, distant, indifferent woman with a terribly out-of-placce bowler hat on her head, holding the hand of a man in a grey suit and tie.” Franz did not understand Sabinas attitude at that moment so he instead “covered her with tender kisses and asked her one more time to go with him to Palermo.”
5 What does the hat represent?
The hat represents Sabinas personality or character, especially her tendency to betray and her erotic self. When Franz takes it off it acts as a symbol to Sabina that Franz is to her a burden or weight in her light self.
6 Who did the hat originally belong to?
The hat once belonged to her grandfather.
7 What does the hat symbolise?
Refer to question 5
8 Describe the misunderstood words that Franz and Sabina share.
For Sabina a woman is only the other sex apart from male and being a woman is not as important to her as it is to Franz, who on the contrary to Sabina considers a lot of importance in the word “woman” since to him it is a reflexion of his mother.
Fidelity to Franz is very important, he considers that his greates fidelity in life to be the love for his mother, and he hates betrayal so much and praises fidelity so that he is forced to travel with Sabina so not to diminish his wife by having sex with another woman, on the same day or the same town. Sabina on the other hand is attracted to Betrayal, who since her childhood and fidelity simply “reminded her of her father”.
To Sabina music was nothing more than noise, she unified noise or music with youth summer camps, while Franz loved music and dancing, he sees music as an escapism of words a more sensible manner for communicating.
Sabina relates living with lightness, she feels that if you can’t see then you aren’t really appreciating but Franz feels quite the opposite about lightness and darkness. He thinks that closing his eyes and being in darkness approximates him to infinity and to realization. That is the reason for which he closes his eyes while making love with Sabina.
To Sabina the beauty of New York is like her paintings, accidental, like when she thought she ruined a painting with red paint splattered over it but she then realizes the beauty of the unknown, of something red and messy hidden under a perfectly balances painting. Franz doesn’t see the beauty of this city but rather feels homesick constantly.
For Sabina her town is nothing close to romantic, she sees it as plain but Franz feels quite the opposite of this, he encounters it to be full of beauty and drama.
Franz views cemeteries to be “ugly dump of stones and bones”. While Sabina thinks that is a place where people can think and have silence.
Monday, 3 September 2007
10 marks
2 Where does Franz want to take Sabina?
2 marks
3 What does Sabina place on her head?
2 marks
4 Describe the first time she wears the hat. Who was she with?
4 marks
5 What does the hat represent?
4 marks
6 Who did the hat originally belong to?
2 marks
7 What does the hat symbolise?
5 marks
8 Describe the misunderstood words that Franz and Sabina share.