Friday, 12 October 2007

andres 5 to 11

5 Kitsch is a German word that means sentimental inferior vulgar art it resembles to Sabina’s past.


Kitsch is a way to interpret the vulgar art and inferior art. It has an aesthetic purpose and it relates to Sabina by reminding her of her unwanted past.

7 Kitsch “My enemy is Kitsch, not communism, she replied infuriated”. sabine


It is Because of the defeat they suffered against the Russians and her inability to fight against them.


She lives with a rich couple in California and feels very comfortable.


Franz lives In Cambodia


Cambodia was having a similar political situation in the times he spent with Sabina and he wants to remember this by staying and living there for the time being. "Wasn’t Cambodia the same as Sabina’s country? a country occupied by his neighbors communist army".

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Section 6, part 2 Jose Arias


Kitsch “My enemy is Kitsch, not communism, she replied infuriated”.


Because of the defeat they suffered against the Russians and her inability to fight against them as everyone else.


Lives with a rich couple in California and feels very comfortable with them there.


In Cambodia


Because Cambodia was having a similar political situation when the time he spent with Sabina and he wants to remember this by staying and living there for the time being.

Section 6, part 1 Jose Arias


Stalin’s son dies running towards an electrical fence. Kundera believes that he commieted suicide due to his inability to stand the situation he was in. As the author describes “he could no longer stand to watch the poles of human existence come so close to each other as to touch,m when there was no longer any difference between sublime and squalid, angel and fly, god and shit” This could be interpreted as Yakov growing bored and tired of the monotonous life that he was carrying or better said, he lost contact with reality and no longer trusted his senses or what was going on around him. He actually commited suicide because he was living among shit” and “shit” was all he knew by then. Therefore god became shit, life, love everything became shit.


Kundera compares the death of Yakov with the “idiotic” and senseless deaths that Russians as well as germans had in order to expand their border. The death of Yakov was everything because he died for himself. The death of others was worthless because they died for something else rather than for themselves.


Kundera considers yakovs death as an acot of valor as well as liberation. The reasons for which yakov took his own life seem to be justified from Kundera’s point of view.


For Yakov, the reclusion that he endured during his prison stay makes him turn his world and reality into shit. The author describes “If the son god [which was yakov because Stalin was praised as a god] can undergo judgement for shit, the human existence looses its dimensions and becomes unbearably light.” Yakov did not care for anything else ath the moment of his death but for the lightness of his own being, therefore his freedom. In a world where god and shit was the same thing, this man only craving is for death which in the end liberates him from the torture of living among shit.


Kitsch is a way to interpret the vulgar art and inferior art. It has an aesthetic purpose and it relates to Sabina by reminding her of her unwanted past.

Monday, 8 October 2007

adrian and esteban section 6 questions (9-12)

9) Sabina lives in California with a rich couple because she feels confortable.

10) Franz is currently he is living in Cambodia

11) Franz decides to visit Cambodia because Cambodia is passing through a politicla moment similar to the moment Sabina and Franz pased together. "wasent Cambodia the same as Sabinases country? a country occupied by his highbours communist army". pg 258

12) "The first category longs infinite number of unonimus eyes"- this category looks for attention.

"The second category is made up of people who need to be looked by many known eyes"- this category looks for the attention of its closed individuals.

"The third category is the people that need to live before the eyes the person they love"

"The forth category is the people that live in the imaginary eyes of those who are not present"

adrian and esteban section 6 questions (1-8)

1) He dies for refusing to clean his shit from the concentration camp toilt. That is the metaphor that portrais his denial to be deminished in any kind of way. "he runs to the barved wire electrical fence and dies". He dies for his principles.

2) The death of yakov relates with the l.o.b on the basis of the fact that he dies " a methaphysical death".

3) Kundera praises yakovs pride. He dies for his principles, he would rather be death than humilliated.

4) Young Stalin was refered to as the son of "god" because his father has revered like god.
"if the son of gos can undergo judgement for shit, then human existance loses its dimensions and becomes unbereably light".

5) Kitch is a german word meaning inferior, sentimental and vulgar art. This relates to Sabina in a way it embodies Sabinasess unwanted past.

6) Kitch

7) Sabina is unable to survive in a long term context because Sabina did not take her feelings "serioulsy".

8) Because she relates her czech origins with her humillianting past.

Friday, 5 October 2007


  • What does lightness and weight mean for Tereza?
  • How do situations change lightness and weight throught the book?
  • What affects Tereza's view of lightness and weight throught the book?
  • How does the duality of lightness and weight in Tereza's life and how does this affect her being (soul, body, lightenss of it)?
  • How does 'weight' in Tereza's life affect her goal of being ' light'?
  • Hoes do Tereza's ideologies on lightness and weight affect her own lightness and weight?
  • Does Tomas' realize how his concept of lightness affects Tereza and the relationhip he has with her?
  • How does Tomas' lightness contrast with Tereza's weight?
  • How is the relationship between Tomas and Tereza affected by lightness and weight?
  • To what extent does the relationship with Tomas affect Tereza's idea of "lightness and weight?

  • How have factors contribiuted to Tereza's ideas of the soul and body and how does this affect her life?
  • How does Tereza's perception of her soul and body affect her idea of lightness and weight?

  • How do Kundera's characters portray his own idea of what the unbearable lightness of being is?
  • Using your knowledge on one or more characters comment on Kundera's ideas of the unbearable lightness of being.
  • Compare and contrast on Tomas' and Tereza's unbearable lightness of being.
  • What is Tereza's unbearable lightness of being?
  • How is the unbearable lightness of being of one or more characters use to reflect the political situation in the book?
  • To what extent is Tomas' lightness of being unbearable?
  • What is the 'Unbearable Lightness of Being' for Tomas and Tereza?
  • To what extent is the "Unbearable Lightness of Beign" a product of Nietzche's theories?

  • How does Kundera's ideas of religion/faith/kitsce compare/present in the characters?
  • What is kitsch and how does it embody the life os Sabina?
  • How does Tomas concept of love balanca between Sabina and Tereza?
  • How does Nietzche's theory of eternal return presents itself in the book?
  • How does Tomas affect Tereza?