- What does lightness and weight mean for Tereza?
- How do situations change lightness and weight throught the book?
- What affects Tereza's view of lightness and weight throught the book?
- How does the duality of lightness and weight in Tereza's life and how does this affect her being (soul, body, lightenss of it)?
- How does 'weight' in Tereza's life affect her goal of being ' light'?
- Hoes do Tereza's ideologies on lightness and weight affect her own lightness and weight?
- Does Tomas' realize how his concept of lightness affects Tereza and the relationhip he has with her?
- How does Tomas' lightness contrast with Tereza's weight?
- How is the relationship between Tomas and Tereza affected by lightness and weight?
- To what extent does the relationship with Tomas affect Tereza's idea of "lightness and weight?
- How have factors contribiuted to Tereza's ideas of the soul and body and how does this affect her life?
- How does Tereza's perception of her soul and body affect her idea of lightness and weight?
- How do Kundera's characters portray his own idea of what the unbearable lightness of being is?
- Using your knowledge on one or more characters comment on Kundera's ideas of the unbearable lightness of being.
- Compare and contrast on Tomas' and Tereza's unbearable lightness of being.
- What is Tereza's unbearable lightness of being?
- How is the unbearable lightness of being of one or more characters use to reflect the political situation in the book?
- To what extent is Tomas' lightness of being unbearable?
- What is the 'Unbearable Lightness of Being' for Tomas and Tereza?
- To what extent is the "Unbearable Lightness of Beign" a product of Nietzche's theories?
- How does Kundera's ideas of religion/faith/kitsce compare/present in the characters?
- What is kitsch and how does it embody the life os Sabina?
- How does Tomas concept of love balanca between Sabina and Tereza?
- How does Nietzche's theory of eternal return presents itself in the book?
- How does Tomas affect Tereza?
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