Thursday, 30 August 2007

Adolfo OWNS!!! the quiz.

Where did Tomas meet Teresa?
´in a small restaurant in a czech town
2 What happened 10 days later?
she payed him a visit, and the made love
3 How did Tomas feel about Tereza?
he felt a strange love towards her
4 What happened to Tereza while she was visiting Tomas?
she got sick, therefore tayed on his flat for a week
5 What does Tomas decide to do?
decides to let her stay on his flat
6 What does Tereza lie about?
the reason she came to prague was not business but to visit tomas.
7 What does she really do?
go and see tomas.
8 What do we learn about Tomas` past?
He divorsed and calebrated this even more than the original wedding.
9 what does tomas believe?
tat we live life as a improvising acotr.
10 How does Tereza break Tomas` rules?
he makes him feel atatched to her.
11 What two thing does Tomas believe are separate enterties?
Love and sex.
12 What does Tomas compare Tereza to?
A child put in a pitch-daubed bulrush basket and sent downstream.
13 Who finds Tereza a job?
14 What does Tereza dream that she must do?
roam into tomas stuff?
15 What does Tereza read?
Tomas private letters.
16 How does she react to the written material?
he becomes jelous and possesive avbout him, plus losses trust of him.
17 How does Tomas feel when he sees Tereza with a male friend?
Jelaus, yet, it made him like her even more.
18 How does Tomas` infidelity affect their relationship?
Tereza is ruined, as she is living eternal returns of what she hateds most, of a bodies being the same, when she wants to make her body special somehow to tomas.
19 Why do you think they marry?
To make Tereza feel more secure.
20 What is politically happening in Prague?
WAR, WAR, WAR!!!! the Soviets are Beaten the red stuff out of every praguean they find!!! oh no!!! (sorry i just had to do that)
21 Where is Tomas offered a job and why does he chose not to accept it?
in zurich, but does not accept it becouse tereza is not happy at zurich (que nena)
22 At this point, what is Tereza working as?
A photografer for a jorunal, thanks to sabina
23 Why does Tereza decide to leave?
she dislikes Zurich?
24 How does Beethoven relate to Tomas` thinking?
He relates to his way of thinking with the name of the quarter, ess muss sein, wich means it must be, bethoven also reminds him of tereza for its her ho talked him into buying his records.
25 What does Tomas feel brought him together with Tereza?
To start with, her beauty, as he feels the necesity to follow her when he fist saw her, now her innocence.

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