Thursday, 30 August 2007

quiz 1 Daniela

Quiz 1 Daniela
1 Where did Tomas meet Teresa?
He had first met Tereza in a small Czech town. She had a ccompanied to him to the station and waited for him to board the train.
2 What happened 10 days later?
Tereza visited him and they made love that same day she arrived “That night she came down with a fever and stayed a whole week in his flat with a flue”
3 How did Tomas feel about Tereza?
He had an inexplicable love for her, he felt she was a child. She was neither “mistress or wife”. He had an “exaggerating feeling of wanting to be beside her.
4 What happened to Tereza while she was visiting Tomas?
She came down with a bad blue “stayed a whole week in his flat with a flue”
5 What does Tomas decide to do?
Let her stay with him until she was well again “stayed a whole week in his flat with a flue”.
6 What does Tereza lie about?
She lies about the reason on being in Prague(her visit), she makes tomas believe she’s only there because of business when actually she only came to see him.
7 What does she really do?
She moved with Thomas.
8 What do we learn about Tomas` past?
That he had an “inaptitude for love”. Probably had any lovers before, being with Tereza was the “most beautiful moment he had experienced”.
9 Tomas believes ...`we live everything as it comes, without warning, like an actor going on cold`. What does this tell us about Tomas` ideologies on life and also relate this back to concepts of life in chapter 1.
Shows Nietches idea of “eternal return” and his ideologies. Links to this situation because he relates the opposition of light and weight. Here it shows a situation where Terezas love and devotion to him is showed as a weight to tomas and the lightness of Tomas love towards Tereza.
10 How does Tereza break Tomas` rules?
Tereza breaks Tomas rules bby sleeping in Thomas bed which was something unknown and weird for him.

11 What two thing does Tomas believe are separate enterties?
His erotic friendships and Tereza.

12 What does Tomas compare Tereza to?A child whom he had “taken from a bulrush basket that had been daubed with pitch and sent to the riverbank of his bed”.

13 Who finds Tereza a job?
Tomas asks Sabina to get Tereza a job "It was Sabina he turned to when he needed to find a job”.
14 What does Tereza dream that she must do?
She dreams about Thomas and Sabina making love and that takes her to roam through Thomas stuff.
15 What does Tereza read?
Love letters from Sabina to Thomas which talk about Sabina wanting to make love to him. Here she finds that Sabina is Thomas mistress. “you've been rummaging in my letters…”

16 How does she react to the written material?
She starts having bad dreams and is posseive of Thomas,she doesn’t trust him anymore which takes her to read the letters and talk to Sabina..

17 How does Tomas feel when he sees Tereza with a male friend?
In a way he get’s jealous because he realizes that she could also have other man in her life, which take Thomas to appreciate her more and actually realize he really needs her.

18 How does Tomas` infidelity affect their relationship?.
Tereza doesn’t trust him. That inexorably takes her to talk to Sabina.. She’s really nervous and when they move out of Prague she has the need to go back . She even has dreams where she feels just as any other of her mistress.
19 Why do you think they marry?
Because Tomas wants to keep her and he does have a need of having her by his side.

20 What is politically happening in Prague?.
There’s war , its being invaded by Russians.

21 Where is Tomas offered a job and why does he chose not to accept it?
In Zurich and he decides not to accept it because Tereza is not happy in Zurch, when they move Teresa actually goes back to Prague.

22 At this point, what is Tereza working as?
She works in a journal and takes photos. She takes photo of all the surrounding chaos and she’s told she’s a good photographer and she’s offered to photograph other things but she rejects it because she actually wants to do work that portray an idea.
23 Why does Tereza decide to leave?
She’s not happy in Zurch and she has nothing to do there.
24 How does Beethoven relate to Tomas` thinking?
When they first met, they were listening to Bethoven

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