Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Quiz 1 Valeria

1. Tomas met Tereza in a hotel restaurant in a small Czech town. "He had first met Tereza about three weeks earlier in a small Czech town..."
2. Ten days later, Tereza pays Tomas a visit. "...waited with him until he boarded the train. Ten days later she paid him a visit."
3. Tomas felt a strange kind of love for her. He felt she was like a child brought to him. "He had come to fell an inexplicable love for this all but complete stranger;she seemed a child to him..."
4. While Tereza is visiting Tomas, she becomes ill and stays with him for a week. "That night she came down with fever and stayed a whole week in his flat with the flu."
5. Tomas decides to look after her. To stay with her. " He kept recalling her lying in bed...He knelt down next to her..."
6. Tereza lies about why she is in Prague. She tries to make Tomas believe she is there looking for a job. "...tried to make him think she had just happened to drop in...she was in Prague on business, perhaps to find a job."
7. She moves from her provincial hotel restaurant to Prague to be with Tomas. "...he immediately realized that the suitcase contained her life...she had left it at the station just until she could offer it to him."
8. We learn that i the past Tomas had been married and when he divorced his wife he found he was better off living the "bachelor's life". "...when he had divorced his wife, he celebrated the event the way others celebrate a marriage...he could be fully himself as a bachelor."
9. Tomas says that we live life like an actor improvising "cold on stage" referring to his actions, to what he does and the way he lives his life. He does, however, think carefully about his long term decisions because he knows he can't come back from those. This links to the concept of eternal return the author talks about in chaoter 1.
10. Tereza breaks Tomas's rules becuase he never saw only one woman and he has never spent the night with any of her mistresses. "The unwritten contract of erotic friendship stipulated that Tomas should exclude all love from his life...He did not want word to get out that Tereza was sleeping at his place: spending the night together was the corpus delicti of love."
11. Tomas believed making love with a woman and sleeping with a woman where two different things. "two separate passions.Not merely different, but opposite."
12. Tomas compares Tereza to a child, a child brought to him. "she seemed a child...someone had put in a basket and sent the riverbank of his bed."
13. Sabina found Tereza a job because Tomas asked her to. "It was Sabina he turned to when he needed to find a job for Tereza in Prague."
14. Tereza dreams she watches Tomas and Sabina have sex. "Hoping to alleviate the pain...she jabbed needles under her fingernails."
15.Tereza reads the letters Sabina has sent to Tomas. "'So you've been rummaging in my letters!' She did not deny it."
16. She doesn't trust him and it makes her suffer. That's why she dreams she can see what Sabina talk about in her letters.
17.He feels that Tereza could be with anyone else, that Tomas wasn't really special. He sees her more beautiful than ever. "Not until late that night, at home, did he admit to her he was jealous."
18. Tereza sufferes more and more, and this is reflected in her dreams. She is nervous and jealous, though she tries to conceal it as best she can and "to believe waht Tomas told her." Tomas on the other hand keeps seeing Tereza's image when being with other women and so discovers he can only make love to them when he is drunk.
19.I think they get married because they don't want to suffer anymore. Or at leaste Tomas did not want Tereza to keep suffereng and so decides to break his own rules and marry her. Tomas loves her in a very strange way, though he is not dependent of her. "To assuage Tereza's sufferings, he married her... and gave her a puppy."
20. Prague is being invaded by Russians. "...his country was occupied by Russian tanks."
21. Tomas is offered a job in Zürich. He rejects it because he believes Tereza is happy in Prague, photographing the occupation. "If Tomas rejected the offer, it was for Tereza's sake...She had spent the whole first week of the occupation in a trance almost resemblinghappiness...roaming the streets with her camara..."
22. At this point, Tereza is a photographer and sells her pictures to other journalists. "...she would hand the rolls of film to foreign journalists, who actually fought over them."
23. Tereza found happiness facing danger. Now that the Russians were backing out, she had nothing to dedicate herself to and so she wanted to look for it somewhere else. "...days she walked through the streets of Prague taking pictures of Russians and looking danger in the face were the best of her life."
24. Beethoven makes Tomas think of Tereza because it was her who "induced him to buy records of Beethoven..." Also, one of Beethoven's quartets has a movment based on two motives: Must it be? It must be!
25. Tomas feels compassion brought him back to Tereza. He couldn't stand the thought of Tereza living alone in the occupied Prague. "But how long could he have been tortures by compassion? All his life? A year? Or a month? Or only a week?"

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