Thursday, 30 August 2007

Quiz 1 James Bond

1 Where did Tomas meet Teresa?
In the restaurant of a hotel in a small czech town.

2 What happened 10 days later?
Tereza pays Tomas a visit they make love and she stays living there for a little while.

3 How did Tomas feel about Tereza?
Tomas feels he can make an exception in his "erotic friendship" life and truly love a woman like her.

4 What happened to Tereza while she was visiting Tomas?
She got the fever.

5 What does Tomas decide to do?
Leave her living there with him while she gets better.

6 What does Tereza lie about?
About her actual purpose of her trip to Prague, she goes there to find a job.

7 What does she really do?
Gets a job.

8 What do we learn about Tomas` past?
He got divorced time before, knew true love and from his heartbroken being starts eliminating love from his life and filling the void with erotic friendships.

9 Tomas believes ...`wer live everything as it comes, without warning, like an actor going on cold`. What does this tell us about Tomas` ideologies on life and also relate this back to concepts of life in chapter 1.
Kundera tries to explain to the reader how events in life are unexpected. Also tries to make clear that he beleives in destiny.

10 How does Tereza break Tomas` rules?
Reads the letters Sabina sends him (invades his privacy)

11 What two thing does Tomas believe are separate enterties?
Sabina as an erotic friendship and Tereza as true love.

12 What does Tomas compare Tereza to?
True love.

13 Who finds Tereza a job?

15 What does Tereza read?
A letter from Sabina telling Tomas she want to have sex with him in her studio.

16 How does she react to the written material?
She dreams about it.

17 How does Tomas feel when he sees Tereza with a male friend?
He feels jealous.

18 How does Tomas` infidelity affect their relationship?
Torments Tereza even in her sleep (the two dreams she has)

19 Why do you think they marry?
Tomas wants to show her his true love for her and that's she's better than Sabina.

20 What is politically happening in Prague?
The Russians are invading Prague. And dubcek is returning.

21 Where is Tomas offered a job and why does he chose not to accept it?
At a hospital in Zurich. He doensn't want to leave Prague.

22 At this point, what is Tereza working as?
As a photographer of the russian invasion.

23 Why does Tereza decide to leave?
Because her mother is ill.

24 How does Beethoven relate to Tomas` thinking?
Symbolizes true love.

25 What does Tomas feel brought him together with Tereza?
True love.

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