Thursday, 30 August 2007

Quiz 1 Jose Arias

1 Where did Tomas meet Teresa?
In the restaurant of the hotel.

2 What happened 10 days later?
Tereza went to Tomas house but she got ill apparently because of falling in love and stayed there for a week.

3 How did Tomas feel about Tereza?
She considered him as a liberator and wanted to spend most of her time with him

4 What happened to Tereza while she was visiting Tomas?
She was very ill

5 What does Tomas decide to do?
He allows her to stay even when he dislikes sleeping with other women

6 What does Tereza lie about?
About her actual purpose of staying in Prague

7 What does she really do?
Stays with tomas most of the time.

8 What do we learn about Tomas` past?
He was married but eventually divorced her wife and was not able to keep his son. The visits he made to his son were very limited and decided to abandon them completely

9 Tomas believes ...`wer live everything as it comes, without warning, like an actor going on cold`. What does this tell us about Tomas` ideologies on life and also relate this back to concepts of life in chapter 1.

That life cannot be predicted and its events are very unexpected, which then tells us how Tomas lives on his life; Without warning and planning.

10 How does Tereza break Tomas` rules?
By reading the letters of Sabina

11 What two thing does Tomas believe are separate enterties?
The soul and the Body

12 What does Tomas compare Tereza to?
To a string quartet of Beethoven in which he is based on the words “Ess Muss Sein” wich metaphorically mean the heaviness of a situation contrasting it with the lightness of Tereza

13 Who finds Tereza a job?
Sabina, in a newspaper
14 What does Tereza dream that she must do?
To obey Tomas or she was to be shot like many other women around him

15 What does Tereza read?
A letter from Sabina telling Tomas her wish to have sex in her studio and the meaning of it.

16 How does she react to the written material?
She has a dream where it actually happens.

17 How does Tomas feel when he sees Tereza with a male friend?
He feels jealousy

18 How does Tomas` infidelity affect their relationship?
Tereza begins to feel like she is on Tomas’s way and as if she was a burden.

19 Why do you think they marry?
Because they don’t really want to be apart, although at the same time they cannot have a stable relationship where the other one is the most important thing in their lives.

20 What is politically happening in Prague?
The Russians are invading Prague and there is no political stability or leader. The people are defenceless against these invaders.

21 Where is Tomas offered a job and why does he chose not to accept it?
At Zurich. Because he is happy where he lives and thinks Tereza is too.

22 At this point, what is Tereza working as?
She is not really working for anyone. She takes pictures of the events happening in Prague and then she gives away the films to journalists who use it for their own work.

23 Why does Tereza decide to leave?
To become something higher in life and experience new things.

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