Thursday, 30 August 2007

quiz 1 iñaki

Iñaki Martínez Garmendia
Quiz 1

1. They met in a small Czech town
2. Ten days later Teresa visited Thomas. “That night she came down with a fever and stayed a whole week in his flat with the flu.
3. He had come to feel an inexplicable love for this all but complete stranger.
4. She got sick with the flu.
5. He decides to stay with her.
6. She lies about her reason for coming to Prague, she says its for business while he really is there to visit Thomas.
7. She worked in a dark room in an illustrated weekly.
8. He is involved in a very strange sexual relationship “erotic friendship”.
9. By this Thomas refers to his decisions since he knows that he cant revert what ever happens.
10. She breaks Thomas’s rules because she sleeps with her full night, and this goes against his erotic friendship rules.
11. Thomas believed making love and having sex were two different things.
12. He compares her to little baby Moses flowing downstream, and being found and risen up
13. Sabina
14. She dreams that she has to sink needles into her fingers to relieve her psychological pain with physical pain.
15. Ana Karenina and Thomas personal letters “erotic friendship”.
16. She is very jealous of Thomas and her mistresses.
17. He thinks she looks more beautiful than ever and later he turns very jealous of her and his male friend.
18. Thomas infidelity affects the relationship very gravely; Teresa begins having very strange nightmares which could be considered suicidal tendencies.
19. They get married because Thomas feels it’s a way to make things better between them, even though he breaks his own rules just to assuage Teresa’s suffering.
20. The Soviet Union is taking over all adjacent countries to actual Russia.
21. He is offered a job in Switzerland and refuses to leave because he thinks Teresa wouldn’t like it.
22. In this section of the story Teresa is upgraded to journalist photographer.
23. She decides to leave because she’s attracted to the danger of photographing Russian and tanks and military.
24. Beethoven relates to Thomas thinking of Teresa because she introduced him to Beethoven.
25. He felt a sudden urge of compassion.

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